Artworks Creative Communities Artworks Creative Communities
Support Us

Support Us

There are a number of ways in which you can support us:


Our volunteers are a core part of our organisation and as such are keen to hear from anyone who would like to volunteer. If you are interested in volunteering with us, please send us a message using the link on the Contact Us page.

Please note that we are unable to take on any volunteers under the age of 18.

Make a Donation

Artworks Creative Communities is extremely grateful for all fundraising efforts and donations.

If you would like to support our work then you can either make a one-off donation or become a regular contributor.

To make a donation by post

Please make your cheque payable to ‘Artworks Creative Communities’ and send it to:

The Finance Manager
Artworks Creative Communities
Delius Arts & Cultural Centre
29 Great Horton Road
Bradford BD7 1AA

(please do not send cash through the post!)

To make a regular donation through your bank

You can set up a “Standing Order” which tells your bank to make a regular payment to us (e.g. every month). Please Contact Us for more details.

Sponsor Us

Artworks Creative Communities relies on kind donations from grant-giving bodies, companies and individuals to run its projects.

By providing sponsorship you would enable some of those that are most disadvantaged to access the arts, develop talent, learn new skills and improve their wellbeing.

We offer a variety of sponsorship packages. The possible benefits to you are listed below:

  • Creative Training or Activity Session for your staff
  • The satisfaction of knowing that you are providing a unique opportunity to some of those most marginalized and disadvantaged
  • Your ‘Sponsored by …’ banner will be up at all of your sponsored events and activities
  • Your logo will be featured on relevant promotional materials
  • Your logo will feature on our website
  • You will be invited to attend relevant sponsored events such as openings, launches and project-end celebrations
  • The sponsorship will be announced in local press via press release
  • You will be thanked in our Annual Report

If you are interested in finding out more please Contact Us.