Artworks Creative Communities Artworks Creative Communities

Health & Wellbeing

This work uses innovative creative approaches to improve the health and wellbeing of individuals and communities. We take a holistic approach to health and believe that positive mental health is fundamental in improving well-being. Our work spans a number of key areas:

We work directly with groups

  • We create bespoke projects where artists work in community settings to create accessible and inclusive programmes which impact on health and enhance lives across the boundaries of race, age and ability. Where possible these projects are supported by health and social care professionals.
  • We understand that good mental health and wellbeing are central to bringing about behaviour change and therefore design and deliver all our projects with an overarching aim of increasing confidence and self-esteem of participants.
  • We do a huge amount of mental health work, both with low level mental health and acute mental health issues. We work with the general population, particularly those who are struggling. We also work with homeless groups, young carers, groups with addictions or recovering from addiction, Roma, Gypsy and Traveller communities, children, young people and adults with physical and learning disabilities, refugees and asylum seekers, older people, stroke survivors, visually impaired and deaf communities, Eastern European Communities, victims of domestic violence, people suffering from dementia, people suffering from other health issues such as diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure, the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community and a wide range of religious communities.

We develop and deliver training and consultation

  • We develop and deliver training and consultation within the health and social care environment using creative processes to deliver innovative, fun and exciting programmes locally, regionally and nationally. We have designed and delivered a national training programme on the Health and Social Care Environment in partnership with the Care Quality Commission and funded by the Department of Health and developed bespoke products and training for NHS England. The training can be accessed at We are registered with our local CCG to deliver engagement work.
  • We are experts in creative consultation and engagement for health and in engagement of seldom heard groups.

We develop bespoke products to raise awareness

  • We develop bespoke products to raise awareness of health issues in creative ways.

To read more about the work we have done in this area please explore the current and past projects listed below.

If you have an idea you would like to explore, or a health and/or social care issue you would like to solve, please Contact Us for an informal chat.