Artworks Creative Communities Artworks Creative Communities

Children, Young People & Families

Since it was established in 1998 Artworks has delivered enjoyable, engaging and inspiring projects with Children, Young People and Families.
Artworks’ projects work with schools, youth services and voluntary and community sector organisations, and use a range of creative techniques to explore the challenges faced by young people, and help them to find possible solutions and coping strategies. Our projects have challenged young people’s opinions and beliefs, to reduce prejudice, and help young people to stay safe.
A creative approach can help to engage many young people who don’t work well within traditional learning environments, by using artforms such as lyric writing, making short films and music production to help young people to develop their literacy and numeracy and technical skills.
Our work with families has helped to bring parents and children together to enjoy creating artwork and learning together, and have used the therapeutic qualities of the arts to create a safe environment to start to explore challenges including mental health issues and bereavement.

Projects in Schools

  • Artworks has delivered work in schools ranging from cultural days and projects to refurbish and give pupils a sense of ownership of a space to projects which embed creativity in learning and enhance the curriculum by using music and architecture to explore mathematics

Projects in Young People’s settings

  • By placing artists in youth settings to work alongside trusted youth workers young people can achieve incredible results. Artworks has created music, videos, dance performances and public art that have helped young people to feel a sense of pride in their achievements, which can be especially important for young people who have not engaged with traditional learning environments

Projects Working with Families

  • Through both large scale programmes of work and smaller, more locally based projects Artworks has worked with families to create artwork and explore learning together. These projects have encouraged understanding of factors such as the importance of play and experimentation in learning, and helped parents feel that they can have a positive impact on their children’s learning, even if their own experience of education has been a negative one

Training for Children and Young People

  • Artworks is an Artsmark centre and we are trained to deliver Arts Award and have delivered a number of projects within formal and informal education settings including schools, youth clubs and Pupil Referral Units (PRUs)

Arts Award

  • If you are studying for Arts Award Gold we may be able to help by offering you a work placement within Artworks to gain understanding and experience of Arts Practice. Learn about how our projects work and how we make sure creativity has the best impact on the groups we work with. If you’re interested get in touch via email on [email protected]
  • For each of our events we have 5 free tickets available to Arts Award Gold students and their advisers (offered on a first come, first served basis.) There are often opportunities to meet the artists and find out more about their work, their inspiration and their journeys. Have a look at our events programme at, then Email [email protected] to book places
  • If you are a teacher or other professional working with young people to help them achieve an Arts Award qualification then we may be able to help
  • For the Arts Award Silver Challenge we offer discount rates to groups undertaking Arts Award in a range of artforms, including Graffiti Art, Rap Music, Broadcast Media, Video, and Creative Writing. Prices start from £330 for 3 half day sessions, and we can work with groups in school or youth settings, as well as at our venue in the city centre of Bradford. Contact Ged Walker on 01274 256925, or [email protected] for more information
  • We can help young people young people working towards Arts Award Gold to understand the wider arts sector as we can occasionally offer work placements within Artworks. This allows them to learn about how our projects work and how we make sure creativity has the best impact on the groups we work with. If you’re interested get in touch via email on [email protected]

Work with Support Staff and Volunteers

  • We have designed and delivered bespoke training for Youth and Community Workers, Children’s Centres and local authorities that has trained support staff and volunteers in how to deliver valuable engagement work in their local communities. This has included training in specific artforms, such as graffiti art and rap, as well as the Parent Champions programme for Bradford Council


For examples of our work in this area please visit Past Projects.

If you have an idea you would like to explore or a training issue you would like to solve then please Contact Us for an informal chat.