Artworks Creative Communities Artworks Creative Communities

Public Art

Public Art can have many benefits for communities, individuals and organisations. Not only does a work of art enhance the aesthetic appeal and provide a focal point for a neighbourhood, but by using a participatory process it can help to build community cohesion through a shared sense of identity and belonging.

Whether the finished product is intended to be temporary or permanent, involvement in the creation of public art can empower individuals by giving them an opportunity to feel that they can have a real, tangible impact on their local environment.

Artworks has engaged a wide range of groups in the creation of public art; from children attending nursery school, through to older members of the community who attend a local crown green bowling club. We have worked to ensure that the voices of those who may often feel under-represented, such as those with experience of homelessness, are heard.

Artforms we have used have included stone carving, chainsaw sculpture, billboard art, poetry cut from metal, mosaic and graffiti art.

Engaging communities in creating work

  • For some participants the idea of creating a piece of work that will be seen by a large audience is very daunting. By using a range of non-threatening techniques for engagement, consultation and participation Artworks helps to break down barriers and help people to get involved in creating something really special.

Finding the right artform

  • Artworks uses a range of different artforms to produce its public art, and creates work which is both sensitive to the local environment and reflects the message the work is intended to deliver.

Ensuring a high quality piece of work

  • Over the years Artworks has developed a strong team of artists and suppliers who can deliver innovative projects to the highest standard, on time and within budget.

Celebrating the success of the project

  • For many participants it is important to have the opportunity to celebrate their involvement in creating a piece of public art. Artworks achieves this through celebratory launch events, and by publicising the work through local, regional and social media.

Please see the list of our current and past projects below for examples of our work.

If you have an idea you would like to explore or a training issue you would like to solve then please Contact Us for an informal chat.